Miscellaneous Musings on Gender Bender and Transgender Manga

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Let me first off start by saying I don’t know anything!

I am definitely no expert in this topic (or in LGTBQ issues), and if you’re interested in these sort of things, you should definitely check out  FoxyLadyAyame, who makes excellent posts on sexuality and gender.

The best I can say is that I’m sort of an uneducated lay person who has quite a substantial interest in this area, but my prior forays into LGTBQ advocacy, introductory pamphlets, and the tumblr hivemind have left me immensely confused and dizzy-headed. >__________<

I’m not a particularly intelligent person, and the labels and diagrams and explanations and trigger-words and models and flow charts can be a bit overwhelming.

But it interests me, you know?

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