Why I Never Really Got into Akatsuki no Yona


Chang Ge Xing” (Manhua) Review

I’m sorry Yona… Another manga stole my heart first…

★ ★ ★

Let me first off start by saying that Akatsuki no Yona is by no means a poor series. It’s a fairly interesting and quite fun read—reminds me of the Fire Emblem games, actually. By anime standards, it’s probably one of the more refreshing shoujos adaptations produced in quite a while.

Although I never got past the first few episodes of the anime, I did read most of the manga.

Some parts of it worked for me and some parts of it didn’t. I liked how there’s a bigger picture to Soo-Won and his purported “evil-ness.” The harem element seemed gimmicky to me; I don’t really like “chosen-one” stories because they seem too artificial.

Plot isn’t Yona’s strongest point. Hak is cute though.

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